Cigars are more than an object, they're an experience to be had. Often looked at as a symbol of status as well as rites of passages, cigars are associated with the finer things and events in life. It's no uncommon to see an individual celebrating a wedding, business decision, graduation, or engagement with a cigar, and that says something about the quality of experience you have while enjoying one. Some of history's most influential leaders can be seen smoking cigars in their official portraits, and it's well known that relaxing with a cigar is often seen as an experience that is earned. It's safe to say that a night at a cigar bar will be an experience to be remember.
Philadelphia offers a nightlife scene that's extremely varied. There are tons of cigar bars and cigar lounges in the area to enjoy a high quality smoky treat. Here you'll find a listing of all of the best cigar bars in Philadelphia. We've taken the time to put together a directory of the most sought after places to smoke the day away! These establishments have the highest quality aged tobaccos, with hand rolled selections that are sure to have you impressed. Not only do the cigars have the highest quality, they capture and represent the long standing history and culture that goes along with cigar smoking.
Peruse through our listing of the classiest cigar bars and lounges in Philly here, and you're sure to come up with an establishment that will impress you and your friends! You can expect a wholesome, relaxing experience at these fantastic cigar bars in Philadelphia. You'll love the unpretentious, calming atmosphere of these establishments. It's a fantastic way to experience Philly nightlife as you relax with a drink in one hand, and a cigar in the other. Cigar bars in Philadelphia offer an night out on the town that can't just be talked about, it has to be experienced!